Mgr Andrew Wadsworth, provost of the Oratorians in Washington, summarizes Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser on the 7 ages of the church. They are supposed to be prefigured by the 7 churches of Asia Minor at the start of the Apocalpyse. I suppose that if he is right, this blog ought really to be re-named Exsardi. Mrg Wadsworth doesn’t draw out the links with Apoc. 1-3, go the original to find out more.

If you don’t have time for the talk, here is the summary:

The Seven Ages of the Church
According to the writings of the
Venerable Bartholemew Holzhauser

1. Status Seminativus
AD 30-70
from Christ and the Apostles
until Pope Linus and the Emperor Nero

2. Status Irrigativus
AD 70-330
10 Persecutions of the Church

3. Status Illuminativus
AD 330-800
from Pope Sylvester to Leo III

4. Status Pacificus
AD 800-1500
from Pope Leo III to Leo X

5. Status Afflictionis et Purgativus
from Leo X to a strong ruler/strong monarch/holy pope

6. Status Consolationis
from the holy pope until the Antichrist

7. Status Desolationis
from the Antichrist to the End of the World